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Eric's of Webinar Utility: The usefulness of a webinar is inversely proportional to how "radical" or "exciting" it is stated to be.


Millennials to Snake People :: Add-ons for Firefox

The official Firefox port of the awesome Chrome extension that dared to speak the truth about the rise of the Millenials!


Woot! A+ SSL Rating!

Guess who's got 2 thumbs and an A+ SSL Rating from SSL Labs (


IDK about anyone else, but when Stallman talks about tech, I listen.


This just seems like a really, really bad idea...


.@retroremakes Let's hope it doesn't happen too soon, though.


Sad to hear about the passing of Don Joyce. His work w/ and was an inspiration to myself and many others.


.@sie_kensou77 I'm sorry to hear that, seems obvious to me. :)


DMCA abuse? What DMCA abuse?

Via @starxed.